Childcare and Education:
- Israel has a well-developed pre-school educational system, including creches and day-care centers, as well as private caretakers, for infants and toddlers, nursery school and pre-kindergarten and kindergarten (private or partly private).
- Preschool begins as early as three years old and is sponsored by the government. Preschool classes can be morning, afternoon, or full-day. They aim to provide the social and learning skills necessary for future academic success. Nurseries include three levels: three-year-old preschool (trom-trom chova), four-year-old preschool (trom-chova), and five-year-old kindergarten (gan chova).
- Compulsory free education begins at age 3. Although primary and secondary education is generally free, most schools require a nominal annual payment to cover incidental expenses.
- Hebrew is the official language taught in school, and Israeli students begin to study other languages at the age of ten.
- If you have children, it is advisable to consult the EURAXESS Service Center in your institution, as early registration may be necessary. They already have a lot of experience with foreign researchers and they will be glad to help you with information (education, activities, playgrounds, etc.)
- If you or your spouse is pregnant, here is all the required info from Weizmann Institute
School Year Calendar:
- Elementary schools - September 1st - June 30th
- Secondary schools (usually from grade 7) - September 1st - June 20th
- Many schools continue through early August, and most are closed during the last two weeks of August. Summer camps or summer sessions are almost always private and require payment.